Wednesday 7 March 2018


We got back in the car and drove 2 more hours to Elliott.  Elliott used to be a booming
Mining town.  They even had a chapel here.  Now the mine is closed down and not
Much left of the town.  We drove until we saw this sign and then had to turn around
Because this was it!
This is the old Chapel, which is now a library. 
It was such a joy to find these valiant wonderful members of the church who were so
Thankful to be able to partake of the Sacrament after a very long time. Once we found 
A member they just kept telling us more and more people to go find because “they will
Want to come!” So we took our time and found all of these sweet sisters who were
Baptized a few short years ago. Their grandfather was the first member of the church
Here.  They all belong to the Bill family. 
they were kind enough to let us hold church in this building where they sometimes
Have gatherings.
After church this sweet lady asked for a Priesthood blessing. 
As well as this gorgeous little girl.
Sister Anderson brought enough food to feed all of us several times.  Thank you so
Much Sister Anderson!
Sister ANderson getting everyone to write down their names and numbers so we can
Contact them when missionaries come to hold Sacrament Meeting again.  President
Parker promised them that they would have missionaries soon. 
After goodbyes, we were back in the car again.  Only 7 more hours Elders!!  Could
We love these 2 any more?!?!?
Stopping for a dinner break on the ride back to Alice Springs. Enjoying “humpty-buggers
From Elder and Sister Anderson-delicious!
The pictures don’t do it justice, but the clouds were amazing going home!  We just
Kept taking pictures but they were sooooo beautiful! Except for the time President Parker
Had to swerve to miss a couple of cows, and the time he had to swerve to miss a
Kangaroo, we made it home safely about 1:00 am.  A great and marvelous day never to
Be forgotten. Heavenly Father knows where each of His children are...even if they are
In the middle of the Outback in Australia in a little town called Elliott!

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